
The draw for the raffle will
take place at the J&B Met
on Saturday 1st of February 2003.

1st Prize
The Palace of the Lost City
- 5 Nights accommodation for two
sponsored by Sun International including
air tickets and R2000 spending money

2nd Prize
The Wild Coast Sun
- 3 Nights
mid-week accommodation for
two sponsored by Sun International
including return air tickets and
R1000 spending money.

3rd Prize
Thaba'nchu Sun
- 3 Nights week-end accommodation
for two sponsored by Sun International

4th Prize
R1000 cash "King" Louis Miller Prize

5th Prize
Case of J&B whisky

6th Prize
Case of J&B whisky

The money raised is for
the Society of Autistic Children,
the WPOTA Benevolent Trust Fund,
the National Horse Trust and
the WP Groom's School Trust.

Please Try and assist
our fund-raising effort by
purchasing a ticket!